
Our goods are payable in Chénas and on the payment date shown on the invoices, this period can not exceed a maximum of 75 days delivery date. Unless otherwise agreed, no discount will be granted for early payment. Any delay in full or partial payment on the due date will automatically entail the application of late penalties and in accordance with Article L441-6 of the Commercial Code, an indemnity calculated on the basis of three times the penalty rate. legal interest in force and a lump sum indemnity for recovery costs of 40 euros will be required.

No sale is perfect, even after confirmation, only by obtaining good and valid references. We grant ourselves the right in the course of a contract, to request, if necessary, the payment guarantees that we deem necessary, and in default of which the contract may be terminated or canceled without notice, summons or termination by law. on simple registered letter, without compensation; we will have the same right if the buyer fails to pay at one time. All our commercial proposals are formulated in EXW and are valid only within the limit of our stocks. Our goods travel at the risk and peril of the buyer, French or foreign. Delivery times are not strict, they are given for information only, and we accept cancellation for late delivery, after a formal notice by registered letter, making us a margin of fifteen days for shipping, except for cases of force majeure. Will be considered as force majeure: strike, war, fire, flood, drought, attack, breakage or decommissioning of machines, lack of cars, interruption of transport services and any other causes hindering or stopping our deliveries or those of our usual suppliers.

They will release us from any liability for delivery details, while allowing us to suspend or cancel current contracts without compensation. No claim will be valid after a period of eight days from the assumption of the merchandise. Sales made by our agents or representatives are not definitive until confirmed by us. Unless otherwise stipulated, the contracts available must be delivered within six months of the date of the confirmed order.

After this period, the balance to be delivered will be invoiced automatically. The above conditions are deemed to be accepted without restriction or reservation by the very fact of the conclusion of any sale. Only stipulations contrary to or different from the preceding conditions may be made in writing, the others being declared non-existent. Jurisdiction: For any dispute, the parties give exclusive jurisdiction to the Commercial Court of Villefranche sur Saône. We reserve the property of the goods supplied until their full payment, in accordance with the law of 12/05/1980.